Industry certifications

Canadian General Standards Board CAN/CGSB-131.10-2017
Developed under the auspices of the Canadian General Standards Board and approved by the Standards Council of Canada, this certification establishes and defines the process requirements for the provision and translation services. It harmonizes, where possible, with the provisions of EN-15038 and was highly advocated for by l’Association de l’industrie de la langue/Language Industry Association (AILIA).

National Standard Guide for Community Interpreting Services
The objective of the National Standard Guide for Community Interpreting Services (NSGCIS) is to set ISP delivery standards. This certification follows the Canadian standard such that NSGCIS-AILIA certified interpreters have one or all of the following qualifications: post-secondary education, preferably a recognized degree in interpretation or a related field; the completion of a language proficiency test; and documented experience in the field.

ISO 17100:2015 Standard for Translation Services
ISO 17100:2015 is the new international standard for translation services, provides requirements for the core processes, resources, and other aspects necessary for the delivery of a quality translation service that meets applicable specifications.
This standard encompasses the core translation process and all other related aspects involved in providing the service, including quality assurance and traceability. This standard offers both translation service providers and their clients a description and definition of the entire service.

ISO 18587:2017
ISO 18587:2017 provides requirements for the process of full, human post-editing of machine translation output and post-editors’ competences. The organization has undergone a comprehensive audit and meets the requirements of the standard noted above according the Language Sector Certification Scheme.